Methods |
CountHandles() as integer [Public] |
returns the number of handles the object has
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DoMouseDown(X as integer, Y as integer, theHandleHit as integer) [Public] |
tells the object to deal with a mouse down event at X,Y on the handle numbered "theHandleHit"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DoMouseDrag(X as integer, Y as integer) [Public] |
tells the object to deal with a mouse drag event at X,Y
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DoMouseMove(X as integer, Y as integer) [Public] |
tells the object to deal with a mouse move event at X,Y
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DoMouseUp(X as integer, Y as integer) [Public] |
tells the object to deal with a mouse up event at X,Y
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
Draw(g as graphics) [Public] |
tells the object to draw itself into "g"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
Draw(g as graphics, dX as integer, dY as integer) [Public] |
tells the object to draw itself into "g", offset hroizonally by dX and vertically by dY
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DrawHandle(g as graphics, index as integer, multipleHighlights as Boolean) [Public] |
draw the handle numbered "index" into "g"
if multiple objects currently need to be highlighted, set multipleHighlights to true
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DrawHandles(g as Graphics, multipleHighlights as Boolean) [Public] |
draw all handles into "g"
if multiple objects currently need to be highlighted, set multipleHighlights to true
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DrawHighlight(g as Graphics, theColor as Color, multipleHighlights as Boolean) [Public] |
draw the object highlight into "g" with color "theColor"
if multiple objects currently need to be highlighted, set multipleHighlights to true
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
DrawToHitTest(g as graphics) [Public] |
draw hit test information into "g"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetBorder() as double [Public] |
return the object's border opacity (0-100%)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetBorderColor() as Color [Public] |
return the object's border color
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetBorderWidth() as double [Public] |
return the object's border width
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetFill() as double [Public] |
return the object's fill opacity (0-100%)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetFillColor() as Color [Public] |
return the object's fill color
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetHandleSize() as integer [Public] |
return the size of the handles (in pixels)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetShape() as pbsw_IG_ShapeCore [Public] |
Returns the shape (pbsw_IG_ShapeCore subclass) associated with this object
NOTE: be careful interacting directly with the "inner shapes" - this is not normally done
GetSID() as integer [Public] |
returns the special ID of the object (this is for internal tracking and should not normally be used)
GetState() as integer [Public] |
return the current state of the object
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
GetType() as integer [Public] |
returns the type of the encapsulated pbsw_IG_ShapeCore
this method must be overriden if you add your own subclasses of pbsw_IG_ShapeCore
iH() as integer [Public] |
return the visual height of the object
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
IsEnclosedBy(L as integer, T as integer, R as integer, B as integer) as boolean [Public] |
returns true if the shape is enclosed by the rectangle with:
left edge: "L" , top edge: "T", right edge: "R", and bottom edge: "B"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
iW() as integer [Public] |
return the visual width of the object
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
iX() as integer [Public] |
return the horizontal position of the upper left corner of the object (visually)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
iY() as integer [Public] |
return the vertical position of the upper left corner of the object (visually)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
Move(dX as integer, dY as integer) [Public] |
move the object dX pixels horizontally and dY pixels vertically
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
pbsw_IG_Object(theShape as pbsw_IG_ShapeCore) [Public] |
constructor : creates the new object with an existing pbsw_IG_ShapeCore (theShape)
pbsw_IG_Object(theType as integer, X as integer, Y as integer) [Public] |
constructor: creates a new object of type "theType"
at horizontal position "X" and vertical position "Y"
this constructor needs to be overriden if you are using your own pbsw_IG_ShapeCore subclasses
RestoreDrawState() [Public] |
restores the drawing state of the object to the last saved state (if there is one)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SaveDrawState() [Public] |
saves the current drawing state of the object
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetBorder(theBorder as double) [Public] |
set the object's border opacity to "theBorder" (0-100%)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetBorderColor(theColor as Color) [Public] |
sets the objects border color to "theColor"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetBorderWidth(theWidth as double) [Public] |
sets the width of the object's border to "theWidth"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetFill(theFill as double) [Public] |
sets the object's fill opacity to "theFill" (0-100%)
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetFillColor(theColor as Color) [Public] |
sets the object's fill color to "theColor"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetHandleSize(theSize as integer) [Public] |
sets the size of the objects handles to "theSize"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)
SetShape(theShape as pbsw_IG_ShapeCore) [Public] |
Sets the shape (pbsw_IG_ShapeCore subclass) associated with this object to : theShape
NOTE: be careful interacting directly with the "inner shapes" - this is not normally done
SetSID(theSID as integer) [Public] |
sets the special ID of the object (this is for internal tracking and should not normally be used)
SetState(theState as integer) [Public] |
sets the current state of the object to "theState"
(passthrough to pbsw_IG_ShapeCore)