pbsw-code.net : pbsw-Object2DState


Classes for storing and retrieving the drawing state of an Object2D object

Requires: REALbasic 5.2.4 (has not been tested on other versions)

Affects the following properties:

Class: pbsw_O2D_DrawStack Superclass: None Interfaces: None
A class that stores one or more states of an Object2D object, and is used to restore previous state(s)

RestoreState(theObject as Object2D) [Public]
1. Restores the drawing state of "theObject" from the last saved state on the stack
2. Removes the last state from the stack
SaveState(theObject as Object2D) [Public]
Stores the drawing state of "theObject" on the stack

Class: pbsw_O2D_DrawState Superclass: None Interfaces: None
A class that holds the state of an Object2D object
(you do not normally interact with this class directly, it is used by pbsw_O2D_DrawStack)

pbsw_O2D_DrawState(theObject as Object2D) [Public]
Constructor - saves the drawing state of theObject
RestoreObject(theObject as Object2D) [Public]
Restores the drawing state of "theObject" to the state stored

pbsw-code.net : pbsw-Object2DState