Methods |
AppendNiceBooleanElement(extends theNode as XmlNode, theDoc as XMLDocument, theName as string, theValue as boolean, adjustLevel as integer = 0) [Global] |
appends a new boolean element to "theNode" in "theDoc" with the XML tag "theName" and contents "theValue" ("True" or "False")
line endings are added for better readability
(adjustLevel is currently unused... will be used to add extra indenting, when indenting is implemented)
AppendNiceChild(extends theNode as XmlNode, theDoc as XMLDocument, NewChild as XMLNode, adjustLevel as integer = 0) [Global] |
appends a new child node "NewChild" to "theNode" in "theDoc" with the XML tag "theName"
line endings are added for better readability
(adjustLevel is currently unused... will be used to add extra indenting, when indenting is implemented)
AppendNiceTextElement(extends theNode as XmlNode, theDoc as XMLDocument, theName as string, theText as string, adjustLevel as integer = 0) [Global] |
appends a new text element to "theNode" in "theDoc" with the XML tag "theName" and contents "theText"
line endings are added for better readability
(adjustLevel is currently unused... will be used to add extra indenting, when indenting is implemented)
ExtractText(extends theNode as XMLNode) as string [Global] |
Extracts the text from an XML node
(assumes the node contains just text)
ExtractTextFromFirstMatch(extends theNode as XMLNode, theQuery as string) as string [Global] |
finds the first element in "theNode" using the XQL query "theQuery", then extracts the text from it
(assumes the node contains just text)
FirstMatch(extends theNode as XMLNode, theQuery as string) as XMLElement [Global] |
returns the first element found in "theNode" using the XQL query "theQuery"
(returns nil if none were found)
RemoveIllegalCharacters(theString as string) as string [Public] |
removes some illegal (invisible) characters that will cause parse errors when reading the XML back in from text